How to apply ๐ŸŽ€

  • All kits will include a free application kit.

  • Follow these fool proof tips and tricks for a stress free, easy application.

  • Make sure hands are washed and your area for application is thoroughly disinfected, and that you have adequate lighting.

  • Have rubbing alcohol (in spray bottle for ease of use) available.

  • Lay down clean paper towels and place application supplies in order from pink file, pink cuticle pusher, pink buffer, and alcohol swabs.

  • Grab a pair of disinfected nail clippers, and a pair of clean scissors. 

  • Cut several paper towels into small squares to clean up any glue residue with alcohol, and to also be used for prep.

  • Size nails accordingly (for 20+ piece sets) each nail must fit snugly from sidewall to sidewall (side of finger to side of finger) with no natural nail exposed - making sure the press on nail does not extend over the natural nail into skin area. As a rule of thumb slightly larger is always better than slightly smaller.

  •  Place nails down on clean paper towel in order of their proper sized placement.

  • For 10+ sets, the same rules apply, double checking proper sizing for each nail before application. 

  •  Be sure to always triple check placement and sizing before applying each nail.  

  • File free edge of all nails (your natural nail extension) with pink file to a uniform length.

  • Push back cuticle gently with pink pusher.

  • Buff each nail bed and free edge with pink buffer, gently, but enough to remove natural shine - be kind to your nail beds!

  • Remove dust from buffing with paper towel square and alcohol.

  • Use nail clippers and open glue by snipping off the end (away from your eyes and face) place down (using lid as a prop) on small paper towel square.

  • Do keep in mind Brush glue is available for purchase online or at your local beauty store if you think that might be easier for you. 

  • Wipe all nail beds and press on nails thoroughly with rubbing alcohol squares and or alcohol spray to dehydrate nails and sanitize press ons for application.

  • It is advised to apply primer at this point for longer lasting sets, one of my favorite primers for maximum strength is by Young Nails. I highly suggest purchasing this product for future sets for best results, its affordable and makes all the difference. This product can be found on amazon or through their website directly.

  • Primer is not a necessity, just an easy addition to help increase adhesion. 

  • Dampen a few paper towel squares with alcohol for any glue that might seep.

  • Starting on the pinky nail, slightly dab a small amount of glue several centimeters below your cuticle, down towards your free edge be sure to avoid cuticle and side wall area of any glue. 

  • Take the press on nail that has been correctly sized for said nail, and dab a small amount of glue in a circular motion underneath the press on nail in the nail bed area, slightly pushing it towards the side walls of the press on nail.

  • DO NOT go overboard with the glue!

  • Starting with the press on nail angled down towards your cuticle, gently coming up against the cuticle, not on top of it, and not pushing into it - make sure the nail is straight and that all areas will be covered, double checking its overall placement, being sure that the nail is not too far into the cuticle area.

  • Press down firmly at cuticle for for several seconds at first, continuing the pressure towards the free edge of the nail for another several seconds, while also pressing  firmly along side walls for several seconds as well. Be sure to always guide (not slide) the pressure towards the free edge to help remove any bubbles that might occur. 

  • Hold pressure over entire area after initial application for at least fifteen seconds before moving to next nail.

  • Repeat steps above for each nail

  • If any glue does seep out while applying your press on nails, continue holding pressure to the nail, quickly grab your dampened paper towel squares and wipe away residue. Move quickly with any seeping, as you do not want to damage your design, nor expose your skin, and remember to always use glue sparingly.

  • Avoid any water exposure for at the very least three hours, preferably at least 5-8 hours, as a pro tip I often apply my press ons before I go to bed. 

  • If you spend a lot of time exposed to water, opt for kitchen gloves etc to enhance the duration of your set. 

  • Remember your nails are jewels, not tools!

  • If and when you have a nail pop off, repeat prep steps and reapply the nail. Make sure you buff any glue residue from underneath the press on nail before reapplying and do not forget to cleanse with alcohol. 

  • You can do this for each nail whenever it decides to go for as long as you'd like, or for however long your set stays in good shape.

  • Make sure to always follow proper prep and sanitation for best results.

  • If you happen to lose a charm, you can also glue your charm back in place with your nail glue.

  • If you would like to remove your press on nails with the ability to reuse them, soak your nails in very warm water with dish soap, as well as warm olive oil and or coconut oil (separate dishes) alternating between the two, using a wood stick or your pink cuticle pusher to GENTLY GENTLY help remove the nail.

  • Please DO NOT rip off your nails! Repeat these removal steps until nails have been fully removed. 

  • The soapy water/oil method will NOT work if you have freshly applied your nails with glue.

  • If you do not plan on wearing your nails for at least a week, use sticky tabs included in your kit.

  • Prep for sticky tabs is relatively the same, although buffing etc is optional, doing so will help with sticky tab adhesion.

  • Size each nail to proper sticky tab, place all tabs accordingly. Remove top small sheet of each nail one at a time (after tabs have been placed) before placing each nail. 

  • Sticky tabs can be found in bulk on amazon. Buying sticky tabs in bulk gives you the freedom to apply and remove as often as you'd like with the least amount of damage to your press on and natural nails. 

  • If you do not plan to reuse or need to have the nails off for whatever reason, you can use acetone, which can be found at your local beauty supply store, but do remember this will ruin the nail/design.

  • Be sure to buff nails gently after removal to get rid of any leftover glue, and do your hands a lovely favor by doing a warm olive oil/coconut oil soak to replenish moisture following removal. 

  • If you have any questions, feel free to message me, happy pressing! <3